08 FEBRUARY 2021


Matthew 16:24

(King James Version)

“24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”


As we enter a brand new week with new and exciting possibilities, we are uncertain of the exact course this week will take. We are taught to always leave “room for disappointment”. There is no guarantee what this week ahead will bring, however we continue to live in Faith and Hope. Just to exercise caution, we tread slowly because we know that one thing is certain, along the way, this week will bring challenges and trials. We have become so accustomed to “taking the blows” and just carrying on that we never give it a second thought. “Part of life” is our “normal response”.

The question is, how do we continue through our journey called “life” and expect a different outcome? Our joy is normally short-lived, yet the trials and tribulations are never-ending.

Our Scripture today gives us the 3 steps to being a true Believer, a true Disciple for Yeshua, an Overcomer: –

  • “let him deny himself”
  • “take up his cross”
  • “follow me”

I believe this is the true order that we should follow in our journey to Victory.

The act of denying ourselves is the beginning of change within us. Forsaking the “old self” and filling the void with the “new self”. I use the word “change” loosely. Darkness does not change to light and neither does light change to darkness. They are 2 different properties. Darkness is merely the absence of light, and light, the absence of darkness. The 2 cannot mix. The use of the word “void” indicates that there exists an empty space that needs to be filled. What is it that you are going to fill it with?

Taking up the cross suggests sacrifice and suffering. Most Believers believe this to be true. Challenges, trials and tribulations WILL be part of our journey. From the moment we accept Yeshua in our lives there seems to be a constant attack on us. Remember, we are now living in what seems to be a transformed world. The change is not in the world around us, the change is within us. Therefore, we begin to see everything from a different perspective. Our eyes have been opened. We are more sensitive to the Spiritual of GOD, The Holy Spirit yet we are unaware of it. Before our transformation, evil agents had no interest in us because we were not the enemy. Since our acceptance of Yeshua Hamashiach, we are now their enemy.

It is Written that we as Believers are in this world, but we are not part of this world. Believers, true believers, now find ourselves behind “enemy lines” we are within the enemy compound (the world), we are not welcome here. Our Assignment to set the captives free. Free them from the bonds of the enemy. If you do not expect any retaliation from the enemy, then you do not fully understand which Camp you belong to.

GOD came down as man in the form of Yeshua, to demonstrate how we should “Walk”. We have an example that we should and must follow if it is Him that we truly want to follow.

In Matthew 16:24, Yeshua says, “If any man will come after me”, surely this means that if any man wants to follow Him, then they must comply with what He is about to say next? Yet one of the requirements is, “follow me”. It seems that the second “follow me” is not similar to the first “follow me”.

It is.

To really follow Yeshua, you would need to “walk in His Footsteps”, do as He did, be His Disciple, He is your Teacher, your Rabbi.

On the way to Golgotha (Calvary) at no time did Yeshua give up and forsake us. At no time did He complain or find fault with anything or anyone. Through the torture, the torment, the ridicule, the jeers, He had only one thing on His Mind, our Salvation. Yours and mine. We cannot even begin to understand what He had to endure for our sake.

Do we have what it takes to walk that Walk?

As Believers, do we understand what is required to “take up our cross”? We can never comprehend The Sacrifice Yeshua Hamashiach had to Pay for us.

In this ever changing world, we are forced into situations that are challenging and difficult. Rules, laws, peer pressure all contribute to many Believers adhering to hypocritical practices. These also give many Believers an excuse to go against The Word of GOD. This in turn leads to judgemental behaviour by men and women of GOD. We sometimes reach a point where we truly believe we cannot go on. Who do we turn to? There seems to be no escape. Going back can never be an option. Along the way there comes a reprieve, yet, before we have a chance to catch our breath, another challenge, another problem arises.

The main reason most Believers are not Overcomers and succumb to the “pressures of life” is that we tend to keep our eyes firmly fixed on The Crucifixion. We can’t seem to look past all the pain and suffering. This is why we experience our own “crucifixion” in our very own lives.

Yeshua did not come down from Heaven to just die on the Cross! Death was never His Message; death was not His end. Death was merely a part of His journey. So was the pain, suffering, torture and ridicule. Why would we expect our journey to be any different? Almighty GOD did not Promise that He will take us out of our hardships. His Word is full of Promises that He will take us through these trials and tribulations. These very trials and tribulations are equipping us with experiences that we learn through it all. Weapons in our arsenal.

Yeshua went from, what was thought by the enemy to be the end, to a new Beginning, a Glorious Victory, The Resurrection.

Fellow Believers in Yeshua Hamashiach, change your gaze and your focus from the Cross to The Resurrection. Look past the Cross (natural) into The Resurrection (Supernatural), here Beloved, is where all The Promises of GOD, His Blessings, His Miracles, His Supernatural Peace is found.

Keep denying yourself.

Take up your Cross.

Follow Yeshua Hamashiach, Him only.

The Passion Translation explains it best: –

Matthew 16:24

(The Passion Translation)

“24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If you truly want to follow me, you should at once completely reject and disown your own life. And you must be willing to share my cross and experience it as your own, as you continually surrender to my ways.”


The Cross is merely a journey that each of us has to endure to reach our Destination, The Resurrection. Follow Him all the way and you Will reach your desired Destination.

We wait in Joyful Hope for The Coming of Yeshua Hamashiach.


GOD Bless.

His Greatness is within you.




Ps S.M Clayton